Alexander Gröger

Alexander Gröger is shaped by his activities at companies like Apple, Dell, and international banks and studied at the TU Dresden. He uses his deep understanding of IT consulting, project, and product management to increase the efficiency of companies and their legal departments and to successfully implement digital solutions. He has worked with clients such as Merck, Vattenfall, Heidelberg Materials, EnBW, and other large and medium-sized enterprises.

As the product manager of the LEDOX365 team, Alexander Gröger currently leads the product department of Join GmbH and develops innovative software standard solutions for digital legal processes and contract management based on the Microsoft 365 platform. With a focus on user-friendliness and customer success, he optimizes the daily legal practice with the Contract Lifecycle Management Platform LEDOX365 and creates added value for many company departments to work digitally with contracts. Alexander Gröger is also the program manager of the certification program for LEDOX365 and "Microsoft 365 for Legal," standardizing, training, and modernizing legal-related processes in companies. At conferences and in the Liquid Legal Institute e.V., Alexander Gröger engages as a roundtable host, co-author, speaker, and moderator. He discusses, shapes, and works out innovative ideas and imparts knowledge between legal and business departments."