Ingo Lenßen, born on January 2, 1961 in Krefeld, is a prominent German lawyer and specialist in criminal law. After successfully completing his law degree at the University of Constance, Lenßen opened his own law firm on Lake Constance in 1990, where he continues to practice.
He found his way onto television in the early 2000s in the Sat.1 legal show "Richter Alexander Hold", and from 2003 to 2009 he also took on the leading role in "Lenßen & Partner", a daily series that made him famous throughout Germany. The next daily followed from April 2019 to December 2020 with "Lenßen übernimmt", and he also appears regularly in other television formats.
Ingo Lenßen has also established himself as an author of legal guides in which he presents complex legal content in a way that is understandable to a broad audience.