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Border Bottom

Born in 1960, he studied law in Mainz. Legal traineeship in Berlin, from 1991 to 2000 judge at a local court there. Since 2000 he has worked in the Federal Ministry of Justice as a desk officer; from 2006 to 2022 he was Head of Division. In these capacities, he was responsible for legislative projects in the fields of contract law (e.g. anti-discrimination law), family law (e.g. reform of pension equalisation after divorce), tenancy law (e.g. energy modernisation and conception of the "rent brake"), and copyright law (e.g. reforms of copyright contract law, exceptions and limitations for science and education, as well as negotiation and implementation of the EU copyright law reforms from 2015 to 2021).
Since August 2022 Deputy Director-General of Sub-Directorate D A (Better Regulation and Reducing Bureaucracy).
Several publications on private and commercial law and on issues of practical legal drafting.


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